
IVF/ICSI Support

Looking After Your Mental & Emotional Well-being During Your IVF/ICSI Journey

Huge Strain

Going through IVF / ICSI treatment can cause a huge strain on your mental and emotional well-being. What you’re feeling is incredibly tough and it is really important to look after yourself throughout the process.

Emotional Rollercoaster

It’s so easy to get consumed and obsessed during the treatment process with achieving the end goal of falling pregnant. So much so, it’s driving you crazy and it’s impacting all aspects of your life. Do you feel like you’re on an emotional rollercoaster? Are you fed up with feeling stuck, isolated, hopeless, guilty, angry and uncontrollably swinging between hope to hopelessness?

Fertility Avenue Can Help You

It doesn’t matter what stage you’re at on your assisted journey – perhaps you’ve just found out you need to have treatment, maybe you’re in the middle of it or towards the end – I can support you throughout the process. There’s no need to go through it alone!

By using a combination of specialist coaching skills and proven techniques, including HypnoFertility and EFT (Energy Tapping), I help you to feel more relaxed, positive and in emotionally in control. This will help your mind and body to be aligned and be in the healthiest place possible, improving your chances of falling pregnant.

Proof in the Research

Research is clear that stress can affect your fertility. The good news is that research has also shown that when you start working on your mind-body health, it quickly generates results – not only in improved psychological markers such as decreased anxiety and stress levels, but also in increased pregnancy rates.

One recent study exploring the effect of a mind body program on IVF success found that women who participated in a mind body program were significantly more likely to get pregnant than a control group, who did no mind body training (Domar et al., 2011).

Researchers in Soroka University, in Israel, found that hypnosis can double the success of IVF treatment. In a study, they found that 28% of women in a group who were hypnotised became pregnant, compared with 14% of those who were not hypnotised.

June, 2004


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