Fertility Avenue Transformation Programme

In person

On Zoom

Available to Call


It doesn’t matter what stage you are at on your fertility journey, whether you are trying naturally or having assisted treatment, I am here to help you reduce the emotional impact you are experiencing.

The ‘Fertility Avenue Transformation Programme’ gives you all the tools and techniques to help you feel calm, confident, and emotionally in control throughout your journey.

The programme incorporates a powerful blend of proven techniques and approaches, including NLP Mindset Coaching, Fertility Freedom Formula™, HypnoFertility and EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique – Energy Tapping). 

As a Specialist Fertility Coach and Holistic Therapist, I help you to handle your difficult fertility journey feeling emotionally in control, and in a way which feels right for you. You will learn and use various strategies and techniques to help you deal with the stress and overwhelming feelings that you are experiencing.

During the programme you will be given the opportunity to explore how your fertility journey is impacting your life, so you can begin to take action and make positive changes. By unravelling the emotional burden you are feeling and looking beyond your fertility struggles, you will be able to discover what you want to change in your life and identify small steps to work towards. This will enable you to start finding enjoyment in life again, giving you back the life you deserve. 

During the sessions, you will be encouraged to be in flow with your emotions, so you can use your feelings to guide you towards next best steps. By exploring unhelpful patterns of thinking and behaviour and replacing them with more useful ones, you will experience powerful insights and significant shifts.  Very quickly you will notice a positive change in the way you think, feel and behave.  

By feeling more relaxed, empowered and in control, your mind and body will be aligned, improving your chances of falling pregnant.


Find Your Way

‘Every Life Journey Begins with a Single Step’ (Deng Ming-Dao)

In just 1.5 hours, you will be given the opportunity to explore how your fertility journey is affecting you, so you can begin to take action and make positive changes. This powerful session will help you to unravel the burden you are feeling and it will help you find enjoyment in life again, giving you back the life you deserve. You will learn a simple and effective technique, which will help you to quickly return to a state of calm when you are feeling stressed or anxious. 

Investment: £125

Transformation Programme - 8 sessions

The ‘Fertility Avenue Transformation Programme’, which incorporates the Freedom Fertility Formula™, EFT – Energy Tapping & Hypnofertility, will give you all the tools and strategies to help you feel calm, confident, and emotionally in control during your fertility journey.

During the programme you will…

  • look at the emotional challenges you are currently experiencing
  • identify small steps to enable significant shifts to occur
  • connect with your emotions and be in-tune with your feelings
  • explore your current coping strategies
  • remove unhelpful patterns of thinking and behaviour
  • replace limiting thoughts and beliefs with empowering ones
  • nurture a supportive connection between your mind and body
  • learn techniques and strategies to help you feel calm, confident and emotionally in control
  • create a fertile body environment
  • reclaim the life you deserve

Each session lasts up to

90 Minutes

Investment: £888

Individual sessions can also be booked at £125 for up to 90 minutes.

About the Sessions

The sessions will be held via Zoom, or in person at my therapy room in Bushey, Hertfordshire. Everything you discuss will be in the strictest of confidence and in compliance with the latest Data Protection rules and regulations. 

Before we meet, you’ll be asked to read, sign, and return a client agreement form.

You will be made to feel relaxed and at ease, allowing you to be open and share how you are feeling, in an honest, comfortable, and non-judgemental way. 

I will also be available to be contacted during the week if you need someone to talk to. 


Free resources

Download resources to empower you during your fertility journey